Tag: Wordpress

  • And We’re Live!

    The website had been running behind a firewall until last week when I flipped the switches and made it public. An unfortunate passage of rite for blogs on the internet these days. I truly don’t understand why comment spam happens. It takes resources to find a website and post the comment. Comments on my blog…

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  • A Week of Self-Hosting WordPress

    I’ve actually been hosting this WordPress site for a little over a month but I only started really working on it last week. It’s currently in WIP mode as I figure out exactly what it’s going to look like. As it stands right now, it’s pretty dorky looking. 😅 It’s using a pretty common &…

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  • Hello WordPress!

    Welcome to my WordPress blog site. This is a modification of the very first post it creates for you. It says “Edit or delete it, then start writing”, so let’s go! Wait, Egee Blogs? Yep, but it’s been a while. My most recent blog was over on Medium and I was somewhat active over there.…

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