And We’re Live!


The website had been running behind a firewall until last week when I flipped the switches and made it public.

It took approximately 5 days for bots to find the website.

An unfortunate passage of rite for blogs on the internet these days. I truly don’t understand why comment spam happens. It takes resources to find a website and post the comment. Comments on my blog require approval so spam like this goes into a black-hole that is the trash folder anyway. It’s pointless!

It’s engagement nonetheless and a sign that is being picked up by web crawlers. And, presumably, search engines! 🎉

I’ve talked about Jetpack in another post and it offers a pretty nifty suite of tools for free if you sign up. One of which is Brute force protection. It helps protect where an authorized user could login and access the CRM. There are other premium security tools offered by Automattic but this one seems to come for “free”.

Another service that I use is Downtime monitoring. It basically just sends an email to the administrator if the site goes down but hey, I don’t want to code that!

And finally, the website traffic stats!

Funnily enough, today is the day I received the most traffic. All from those stinky bots no doubt… The traffic on June 1st is me testing the website from different IPs, so it was very briefly live then.

Prior to today, I had just about 2 views a day. I’m curious if the site got indexed today and so people are able to find it now?

There’s nothing much to report on the back-end. The website and web server run in tightly-compact Docker containers and there’s little this website can do to bother it.

Here’s to a week of up time! 🍻


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